by Liz Guthridge | Feb 2, 2022 | Blog
You can improve your overall mental well-being at work and in your personal life by doing seven activities regularly. They form the Healthy Mind Platter, a tool that two well-respected scientists, Dr. Dan Siegel and Dr. David Rock, developed about a decade ago. They...
by Liz Guthridge | Jan 22, 2022 | Blog
Bashing big tech has become a popular sport these days. While tech is not perfect, could you give it up, especially for work? Over the past 30 years, tech has transformed the way we work in many productive ways, including increased flexibility, collaboration,...
by Liz Guthridge | Jan 8, 2022 | Blog
Nuance is my focus word/concept for 2022. Oxford Dictionaries defines nuance as “a very slight difference in meaning, sound, color, or someone’s feelings that is not usually very obvious.” In practice, being nuanced means being aware of subtle and often complex...
by Liz Guthridge | Jan 4, 2022 | Blog
“What’s the best word to go in front of/in back of ____________?” That’s the question different groups of friends and family members asked ourselves throughout the holiday season as we played the board game Blank Slate. The game was fun and instructive on multiple...
by Liz Guthridge | Dec 29, 2021 | Blog
During December, my reading habits suddenly switched from non-fiction to fiction. Three novels have so engrossed me that I almost forgot about my annual custom: sharing my year’s short list of favorite non-fiction books. Here are my four books plus three more that...
by Liz Guthridge | Dec 21, 2021 | Blog
Do you believe the future of work will embrace our humanity — that is, acknowledge that people are humans, not machines? If so, we need to acknowledge that we humans tend to be complicated, contradictory and self-centered individuals. And we live in volatile,...