by Liz Guthridge | Nov 3, 2020 | Blog
How intentional are you these days with your speaking and your signaling? I’m not referring to virtue signaling, which means showing your good character or moral position on a particular issue. Instead, this is about basic communication: signaling instructions...
by Liz Guthridge | Oct 27, 2020 | Blog
Have you heard anyone this year rave about all the uncertainty that’s everywhere we turn? Probably not. But even though we humans would rather trade this uncertainty for some predictability, we’re capable of managing all the changes coming at us from so...
by Liz Guthridge | Oct 22, 2020 | Blog
The Golden Rule is king in my household, which is a stark contrast to what I encourage my clients to do. For my clients and myself, I prefer the Platinum Rule – do unto others as they like to be treated. When you follow the Platinum Rule, you show respect,...
by Liz Guthridge | Oct 10, 2020 | Blog
Even the dogs are acting weird these days. When we’re outside walking, Marcel the Therapy Dog who used to adore attention from humans, will now often wrap himself around my legs when he thinks a stranger is getting too close to him. When Marcel’s in my office, he no...
by Liz Guthridge | Oct 7, 2020 | Blog
Voter suppression is alive and well in the state of South Carolina where I live. Normally I don’t write about political issues, but these aren’t normal times. Three issues are at stake and in danger of eroding: Free and fair elections, the hallmark of a strong...
by Liz Guthridge | Sep 28, 2020 | Blog
Here’s what executive presence looks like now: Leaders who show their humility and vulnerability as they express kindness, compassion and empathy for us and others. And, by the way, we also want them to deal with all the extreme uncertainty we face. Being a...