Why and how to help your “Covid-19 brain”

Why and how to help your “Covid-19 brain”

“Are you back at work?” — a recent message from a LinkedIn contact. Reading those five words immediately triggered my “Covid-19 brain.“ My annoyance level soared. What an insensitive thing to write, I thought. Since I’ve had a home office for years, it was...
How to be a better ally: improve your listening

How to be a better ally: improve your listening

Have you been searching the terms “allyship” and “being an ally” on Google the past month? If so, you’re not alone. According to the NeuroLeadership Institute in 3 Myths About Allyship—and What Research Says Instead, Google Trend data shows  that “allyship” has been...
Why you need to refresh your language now

Why you need to refresh your language now

Just two days before Memorial Day, I posted a blog about my discomfort with the growing popularity of two phrases “going back to normal” and “entering a new normal.” Even the up-and-coming “better normal” phrase seemed problematic. These phrases implied that once the...