How to push the right buttons to motivate action

How to push the right buttons to motivate action

After seven months in his volunteer job as a therapy dog at MUSC Hospital, Marcel loves riding in elevators. Given a choice (and yes, I intentionally ask him to choose between taking the stairs and riding the elevator and you’ll soon understand why), Marcel almost...
Why and how you need to disrupt your words

Why and how you need to disrupt your words

Want to thrive during disruptive times? Use disruptive language. That was one of the strong messages from the 2017 NeuroLeadership Summit held in New York City Oct. 11-12. As the NeuroLeadership Summit and Institute co-founder Dr. David Rock explained, disruptive...

How to admit to a biased brain and overcome the backlash

Co-workers criticized me for talking about this topic, and then declined to work with me. Individuals – white and black – told me I was encouraging people to cop out. PBS chose not to air my comments for “America After Charleston.” (The show was a  conversation about...

What your brain needs for optimal performance

Last week’s blog post Why your brain needs exercise triggered a range of reactions. Some loved it, a few questioned it, and others hated it to such a degree that they unsubscribed from any future posts and newsletters. No one though yet has asked these two questions:...