‘Sandwiches’ aren’t a balanced diet for leaders looking to communicate better

by | Jun 1, 2024 | Blog | 0 comments

You know them as the “feedback sandwich,” the “compliment sandwich,” “the joke sandwich” and even the “connection sandwich.”

More than likely, someone taught them to you years ago as a way to deliver information in a more palatable way than making a direct statement. And you may still use some or all of these sandwiches out of convenience, but they’re full of empty calories.

Yes, these “sandwiches” are a fast and easy way to combine important information to share with direct reports and others, but the sandwiches seldom deliver the intended message. They’re not as bad as the “knuckle sandwich” my jokester great-uncle always threatened to serve me (a punch in the nose), but we can do better today.

Start by realizing you can’t rely on a set recipe. Instead, you need to create custom messages that include being respectful, listening, kind, sincere and consist in words and actions.

To learn more, check out this May 22, 2024 Forbes Coaches Council, ‘Sandwiches’ aren’t a balanced diet for leaders looking to communicate better



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