3 skills to help subject-matter experts deal with adversity

by | Mar 31, 2024 | Blog | 0 comments

Learning three specific new skills outside your expertise and practicing them well can be hard—even harder than becoming an expert in an extremely technical topic. However, these skills will make you a better, more well-rounded individual for managing and leading yourself and others. This is especially important if you’re one of the many experts who finds yourself under attack from AI, your boss and other senior leaders, and individuals who prefer to trust “people like them” instead of you and others who are extremely knowledge about your subject matter.

Subject-matter expertise these days isn’t enough to protect you. You’ll be much better prepared and future-proofed if you learn and practice these three skills: 1) self-awareness, 2) social awareness of others, and 3) taking care of yourself emotionally, mentally and physically.

For more about why and how to do this, check out my article for the Forbes Coaches Council, 3 skills to help subject-matter experts deal with adversity, published online March 22, 2024.


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