Want to improve yourself? Get a coach!

Want to improve yourself? Get a coach!

What’s the most honorable profession? Coaching, according to Tony Stubblebine, the founder of Lift, a technology-based habit-tracking company. In early 2015, he pivoted Lift into Coach.me to help ambitious people work with coaches to start and sustain the...
How to be a better ally: improve your listening

How to be a better ally: improve your listening

Have you been searching the terms “allyship” and “being an ally” on Google the past month? If so, you’re not alone. According to the NeuroLeadership Institute in 3 Myths About Allyship—and What Research Says Instead, Google Trend data shows  that “allyship” has been...
How to think better at home than the office

How to think better at home than the office

Have you set yourself up for success to think clearly, creatively, and flexibly at home? It’s certainly possible, especially since only 10% of office workers report doing their best thinking at the office. For those who haven’t worked frequently from home...
Coaching your team shouldn’t be hard work

Coaching your team shouldn’t be hard work

“If you feel like you’re working too hard when you’re coaching individuals, you’re working too hard.” That was the best advice I learned from my NeuroLeadership coaching program years ago, which I still regularly use and suggest to...