It’s time to redefine executive presence

It’s time to redefine executive presence

Executive presence needs to be about how you as a leader show up to work with others, not how you look and perform as a heroic individual. When leaders are working as gardeners, leaders are focusing more on developing others and less on building their own charisma and...
How to role model humility in the smart machine age

How to role model humility in the smart machine age

Gardening is a better metaphor than chess for effective leadership in today’s environment, according to General Stanley McChrystal, the retired four-star U.S. Army General. In his book Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World, General McChrystal...

5 insightful business books for 2015

Staying cool under pressure—whether self-imposed, brought on by others or caused by the environment, especially the VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world. Then figuring out how to work better with others and then performing at the top of your mental...

10 ways to lead like a gardener

Do the retired 4-star General Stanley McChrystal and the retired CEOs Alan Mulally of Ford and John Chambers of Cisco fit the definition of a “heroic leader”? Yes, if you’re clinging to the past. No, if you’re living in the present and anticipating the future. In his...