5 insightful business books for 2015

by | Dec 15, 2015 | Blog | 0 comments

2015-12-15 08.04.59Staying cool under pressure—whether self-imposed, brought on by others or caused by the environment, especially the VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world. Then figuring out how to work better with others and then performing at the top of your mental game.

That’s the prevailing theme for the most helpful books I read during 2015.

In no particular order, here’s the list of my top five.

By the way, the list is intentionally limited to five. That avoids taxing your working memory and contributing to any overload.

Also note that I’ve written about four of the five before. Nonetheless, it seemed useful to put them in one spot and describe their best benefits.

As I reflect about the books I know and love, the following trio remain on my frequent recommend list. These “go-to” books provide accessible, important insights about how we live and work:

 What are your favorite books from 2015 that aren’t on this list?

 And what’s next up on your reading list? Please share!


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