Why mutuality matters more than reciprocity in a human-centered world

Why mutuality matters more than reciprocity in a human-centered world

“Reciprocation – You, then me, then you, then me…  Be the first to give: Service Information Concessions  From the “Principles of Ethical Influence,” a Pocket Guide by Dr. Robert Cialdini This pocket guide has maintained a place of honor in my wallet for years. The...

Want to signal what’s important to you? Wear your values on your chest!

Want to signal what’s important to you? Wear your values on your chest!

“Celebrating since 1770” – the tagline for the College of Charleston’s recent birthday party. This tagline, which adorned banners, T-shirts and other memorabilia, was a clever way to deal with the College’s delayed birthday. Back in 2020 before the Covid shutdown, the...

How to get the most out of your accountability partner calls

How to get the most out of your accountability partner calls

Want more accountability in your life, especially to reach your goals? Work with an accountability partner. My accountability partnership began by default, not design, back in 2007. Now almost 16 years later, my accountability partner, Diana Del Bel Belluz, and I...

How shifting the way you think can make you feel better

How shifting the way you think can make you feel better

The technique of reappraising -- that is shifting your perspective to consider a situation from a different angle -- can feel counterintuitive. However, it's a potent, research-proven practice that many coaches use regularly. Generally, we work with our clients to...

3 benefits for hitting the figurative pause button more in 2023

3 benefits for hitting the figurative pause button more in 2023

“Pause” is my focus word/concept for 2023. Oxford Dictionaries defines “pause” as “to stop talking or doing something for a short time before continuing.” Hitting the figurative pause button should provide me with these three benefits: Give myself space to be more...