by Liz Guthridge | Aug 9, 2020 | Blog
Are you still following the principles of Dale Carnegie’s best-seller How To Win Friends and Influence People, first published 84 years ago? If so, it’s time to update your playbook, especially around Principle 8. Principle 8 is to “Try honestly to see things from...
by Liz Guthridge | Aug 3, 2020 | Blog
In this expert panel from the Forbes Coaches Council, 15 of us shared tips for facilitating ways to encourage team members to voice their opinions, including being more creative. My contribution is #2: Allow For Private ‘Eureka!’ Moments. My tip honors the...
by Liz Guthridge | Jul 26, 2020 | Blog
“Are you back at work?” — a recent message from a LinkedIn contact. Reading those five words immediately triggered my “Covid-19 brain.“ My annoyance level soared. What an insensitive thing to write, I thought. Since I’ve had a home office for years, it was...
by Liz Guthridge | Jul 20, 2020 | Blog
Career mobility has a whole new meaning these days: We can live and work almost anywhere. While that can be liberating, it may bring about different types of career marginalization. Take it from me, as I try to live my best, nerdiest life in a party city. Over the...
by Liz Guthridge | Jul 12, 2020 | Blog
Have you been searching the terms “allyship” and “being an ally” on Google the past month? If so, you’re not alone. According to the NeuroLeadership Institute in 3 Myths About Allyship—and What Research Says Instead, Google Trend data shows that “allyship” has been...