Why you need to manage energy, not people

Why you need to manage energy, not people

What happened when best-selling authors and leadership experts Cy Wakeman, Brené Brown, Tony Schwartz, Simon Sinek, David Rock, Adam Grant, and Shawn Achor convened in Austin last week for WorkHuman? More than 2,000 of us heard their heartfelt convictions, grounded in...

Take actions against chronic stress, not high heels

Does this happen to you at work? Getting emails at all hours on non-emergency issues? Being expected to work on the weekends without your consent? Hearing colleagues boast about pulling all-nighters? An executive I coached confided that the Executive Team members...

Two steps to NOT hate work

The #1 most emailed New York Times article this weekend? “Why You Hate Work” by Tony Schwartz and Christine Porath. Ironic, isn’t it? Instead of taking a complete break to recharge our batteries and spend more time outdoors now that we’re experiencing lovely summer...