Do you care if you have no summer memories?

Do you care if you have no summer memories?

What do you think you’ll remember from the summer of 2020 – other than the weirdness? This isn’t a trick question, but it could be.  This summer may end up being a black hole for your memories – especially if you’re still working at home and keeping a low social...
How to work smarter when your brain is fatigued

How to work smarter when your brain is fatigued

If you’ve got a brain and live on Planet Earth, face the facts: you’ve got to deal with “Covid-19 brain” for the foreseeable future. Covid-19 brain is real, according to Dr. Hilke Plassmann, a neuroscientist at INSEAD. She coined the term to call attention to how the...
How to learn what people really think, want and do

How to learn what people really think, want and do

Want to know what you or others will do? You can ask, but recognize that self-reports are exceptionally inaccurate. We have a horrible time predicting our future behavior. We also have a tendency to lie to ourselves, friends, family, doctors, surveys, and anyone else...