Why and how you need to disrupt your words

Why and how you need to disrupt your words

Want to thrive during disruptive times? Use disruptive language. That was one of the strong messages from the 2017 NeuroLeadership Summit held in New York City Oct. 11-12. As the NeuroLeadership Summit and Institute co-founder Dr. David Rock explained, disruptive...
5 actions to make the most of face-to-face conferences

5 actions to make the most of face-to-face conferences

Stop shoveling out more stuff. Instead, set aside time to dig into stuff and discuss. That’s the most optimal type of in-person meeting for peers who want to get together and experience new ah-ha moments.   Even though that advice from the New York University...

3 reasons why to ask and answer “Why?”

“Why do we exist?”  “Why are we doing this now?”  “Why should I care?” For the sake of your business, your brain and your anxiety level, you should frequently answer these “why” questions as well as encourage your team members and colleagues to ask you. What’s so...