5 favorite new books on influence,  empathy, and growth

5 favorite new books on influence, empathy, and growth

Want to encourage someone to do something?   You’ve got to figure out the best way and time to influence them.   It also helps to be empathetic and vulnerable, as well as make it easy for them to take action.   And if it’s been a while since you connected with them,...
Why you need to practice empathy in moderation

Why you need to practice empathy in moderation

My losing essay for the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) long ago advocated the benefits of all things in moderation. Self-control — but not abstinence – was essential for drinking wine and beer, as well as caffeine, soda, and milk. Not surprisingly,...
3 ways to be empathetic ─ and powerful

3 ways to be empathetic ─ and powerful

Don’t blame it on the youth. We adults – especially those in powerful positions ─ are guilty too. Even though we’re born with the ability to understand and share others’ emotions, we don’t always practice empathy.  Worse, some of us point fingers at others, especially...

Craving certainty during the holidays

When my friend Connie lived on West 77th Street near Central Park West in New York City years ago, she threw one party a year. Like clockwork, the party was always on the Wednesday evening before Thanksgiving in her tiny 10th floor apartment, and well worth...