Why and how to make recognition contagious

Why and how to make recognition contagious

While the fast-spreading coronavirus outbreak demands our attention, please keep in mind there are positive contagions out there that also deserve your awareness. Emotions, feelings, and attitudes are contagious too, especially at work. For example, one of my clients...
How to make good decisions feel like rewards

How to make good decisions feel like rewards

During his daily walks, my 2-year-old dog Marcel constantly scans the sidewalks, streets, parks, and playgrounds looking for treasures, either to eat or take home as trophies. When he finds meaningful keepsakes, such as squeaky balls and leather gloves, he snatches...

3 tips for positive monkey business

Now that the Chinese Year of the Monkey has begun, it’s a perfect time for you to introduce positive monkey business at work. No hanky-panky. Just fun camaraderie to put you─and your employees─into a positive state. When you feel cheerful and optimistic about your...