How to view disruption as a path to innovation, not chaos

How to view disruption as a path to innovation, not chaos

Disruption. The word “disruption” accurately, clearly,  and succinctly describes what we’re now dealing with in today’s world. To say it another way, the new normal is disruption. This is the word I’ve been searching for since posting this blog, Good-bye to the “new...
5 new favorite books about disrupting the status quo

5 new favorite books about disrupting the status quo

 Interested in disrupting the status quo? These five books published in 2017 could serve as your guide. I didn’t intentionally choose to read these books for this theme, but that’s certainly their point of view. These five rose to the top of my 2017 reading list for...

When good habits go bad

At least 40% of what you we do each day follows a script, according to Dr. Wendy Wood and her fellow researchers. These scripted behaviors are the habits we’ve adopted over the years. Many of these habits help us start our day each work morning. By unconsciously going...