Do you care if you have no summer memories?

Do you care if you have no summer memories?

What do you think you’ll remember from the summer of 2020 – other than the weirdness? This isn’t a trick question, but it could be.  This summer may end up being a black hole for your memories – especially if you’re still working at home and keeping a low social...
How to work smarter when your brain is fatigued

How to work smarter when your brain is fatigued

If you’ve got a brain and live on Planet Earth, face the facts: you’ve got to deal with “Covid-19 brain” for the foreseeable future. Covid-19 brain is real, according to Dr. Hilke Plassmann, a neuroscientist at INSEAD. She coined the term to call attention to how the...
Why and how to help your “Covid-19 brain”

Why and how to help your “Covid-19 brain”

“Are you back at work?” — a recent message from a LinkedIn contact. Reading those five words immediately triggered my “Covid-19 brain.“ My annoyance level soared. What an insensitive thing to write, I thought. Since I’ve had a home office for years, it was...