Focus on inattention and inertia to initiate action

Our brains are hardwired for inattention and inertia. Once you accept that, it’s easier to understand why we resist change, such as the new procurement system, the new terminology for the business units, the new benefit call center, and just about anything else that’s...

Listen with feeling

Hearing happens—assuming you’re not hearing impaired. Hearing is the act of the ear perceiving sound. Listening, on the other hand, is not automatic. It requires hard work that you must consciously do, as I’ve learned in my applied neuroscience program. To listen, you...

Bust these 5 myths that hurt work performance

Let’s bust five myths that hurt our work performance. As I’ve been reflecting on my learnings from my applied neuroscience program, I’m struck by the stickiness of five myths that seem as powerful and magical as unicorns. Even though neuroscientists have disproved...