How motivational speakers can do more harm than good

How motivational speakers can do more harm than good

If you’re looking for a “motivational” speaker for your in-person or virtual event, do yourself and your participants a favor and please reconsider. At the risk of alienating anyone who likes a good cry when hearing a heart-wrenching personal story and the members of...
Want to get better? Be a work in progress!

Want to get better? Be a work in progress!

Which  term do you prefer? Being considered a “work in progress?” “In beta?” A “test case?” Something else? Call yourself whatever resonates most with you. Just don’t describe yourself as “complete.” Gone are the days when we declare people,...

Delay, don’t procrastinate

Last January, when I read Adam Grant’s New York Times op-ed piece Why I Taught Myself to Procrastinate, I winced. Adam Grant was describing the power of waiting, not the act of procrastinating. Even though I’m hardly an authority on procrastination, I know enough...