Do you know how real leaders deal with disasters?

Do you know how real leaders deal with disasters?

Mindfulness. Self-awareness. Self-control. Leaders who practice these three skills are better equipped to deal with crises, particularly those that hurt people.   When you’re mindful, especially in a crisis, you have a keen sense of your surroundings, you’re aware of...
Why and how to reflect on your experiences

Why and how to reflect on your experiences

“We do not learn from experience… we learn from reflecting on experience.”  ― John Dewey This quote sums up my response to powerful Hurricane Irma as she barreled toward the Southeastern United States earlier this month. Even when the computer weather models...
How you can benefit by asking more questions

How you can benefit by asking more questions

If you have a fixed mindset, you believe your genes determine your smarts. You treat your intelligence as being static. However, if you have a growth mindset, you believe you can develop your talents through hard work, good strategic choices, and input from others....
How to learn what people really think, want and do

How to learn what people really think, want and do

Want to know what you or others will do? You can ask, but recognize that self-reports are exceptionally inaccurate. We have a horrible time predicting our future behavior. We also have a tendency to lie to ourselves, friends, family, doctors, surveys, and anyone else...
How to line up your facts and truths

How to line up your facts and truths

Facts versus the truth. The two words are not synonyms. The difference between them is important, especially in our post-truth world. The definition of the adjective post-truth, the Oxford Dictionaries 2016 word of the year, shows how “truth” and “facts” have become...