3 leaders show how to be compassionate in a crisis
Be aware, clear, vulnerable, empathetic, and compassionate. Five behaviors that are critical for organizational leaders in a crisis. How leaders demonstrate these behaviors is up to them in our current covid-19 pandemic. There are no playbooks to follow. That’s...
How to strengthen your skill for empathy
The War for Kindness: Building Empathy in a Fractured World was initially an unusual, yet ultimately an ideal, choice for my College of Charleston book circle this spring semester. The seven students – all seniors except for one junior – who read this ground-breaking...
How to think better at home than the office
Have you set yourself up for success to think clearly, creatively, and flexibly at home? It's certainly possible, especially since only 10% of office workers report doing their best thinking at the office. For those who haven't worked frequently from home before we...
How to avoid reacting as if everyone’s like you
Hands down (hopefully washed hands), the covid-19 pandemic is the biggest paradox we’re facing in this new decade so far. And it’s a paradox on so many levels. Consider just these three: One, the more we learn about the virus, the more uncertainty we seem to face...
Why and how to look for signals to make a better future
What can Human Resources professionals learn from entrepreneurs, the military and criminals in our VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world? Overall: How to move beyond outdated bureaucratic, command-and-control organizations and be more adaptable....
Want more a-ha’s? Rework your virtual meetings
If you can’t fix it, feature it – and benefit from it too! That last phrase is my added twist on advice from a former boss of mine. This guidance is particularly useful while we’re all working from home, sheltering in place and holding virtual meetings. You can easily...
How to change your focus for large virtual meetings
Facilitating a large virtual meeting is a lot harder than conducting many small virtual meetings, and way harder than large in-person meetings. At least that’s my experience, based on my one virtual big meeting in March 2020 versus more than 100 in-person meetings of...
Why it’s important to avoid sending the wrong messages with videos
How do you separate the signal from the noise as both a sender and receiver of information? When information is noise, it's a human-made pollutant. Just consider the downsides of information that's inaccurate, misleading and overwhelming. Information that's also...
How to enjoy playing an infinite game
Did best-selling author Simon Sinek have any idea how prophetic his new book The Infinite Game would be? At the April 2018 WorkHuman conference, Sinek gave us participants a preview of his latest thinking. Sinek explained that after reading James Carse’s 1986 book,...