Why I’m scared about the erosion of our rights, freedom, and democracy

Why I’m scared about the erosion of our rights, freedom, and democracy

“The world only spins forward.” – Tony Kushner, Angels in America, Part Two Perestroika 1992 Life in the United States now feels like it’s lurching backwards. It’s harder to exercise our freedoms. The freedom to speak, to gather safely, to vote in elections, to make...

How you can learn to “navigate the swirl” to grow and innovate

How you can learn to “navigate the swirl” to grow and innovate

Language is foundational for building and leading organizations, according to Richard S. Hawkes, the author of an intelligent new business book. Hawkes, who’s also the founder of the the management consulting firm Growth River, believes that “organizations evolve at...

How analytics can help you be a more equitable leader

How analytics can help you be a more equitable leader

Appreciate, or even, expect equal pay for equal work, and other fair treatment too? You’re not alone. Fairness—or equity—is not just something we desire; it’s an evolved behavior. That’s a key learning from my online class on the neuroeconomics of decision-making from...

Want to be a better human? Use a mirror to look inside your peach pit

Want to be a better human? Use a mirror to look inside your peach pit

Are you more like a “peach”? Or a “coconut”? This differentiation comes from the work of culture experts Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner. In peach cultures, such as the United States, Americans often smile and talk with strangers in public settings, such...

How to practice wise compassion to do hard things that humans respect

How to practice wise compassion to do hard things that humans respect

Being a good human and being a responsible leader are not mutually exclusive. Compassionate leaders do both. In fact, doing hard things and making hard decisions is often the most compassionate thing to do, according to the authors and consultants Rasmus Hougaard and...