16 ways for professionals to center themselves when under pressure

by | Aug 16, 2022 | Blog | 0 comments

Feeling anxious or stressed? You have more options than meditating or medicating to get calm.In this Forbes Coaches Council expert panel, 16 Forbes Coaches Council members, including me, shared our techniques for getting centered, 16 ways for professionals to center themselves when under pressure.

My panel contribution is #16, Hang Out Or Walk With An Animal, which will be no surprise to those who know @MarcelTheTherapyDog or me. As I wrote, petting an animal can lower your stress and blood pressure. Research shows that dogs, especially certified therapy dogs, can also reduce depression, help improve self-esteem, provide solace, decrease loneliness and encourage you to get more physical activity. You can also confide in an animal, and they’ll keep your secrets while comforting you.

As Marcel’s chaperone and chauffeur, I get additional special benefits too. When I accompany Marcel on his rounds at the hospital and his other jobs, I observe how so many individuals positively respond to him. Plus, throughout our shifts, generally 2 hours at the hospital and the college for de-stressing and 90 minutes at the school libraries, I’m disconnected from technology, which also helps me center.

Be sure to check out the other 15 techniques in the article, and experiment with them and others to find what works well for you.


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