How to strengthen your skill for empathy

How to strengthen your skill for empathy

The War for Kindness: Building Empathy in a Fractured World was initially an unusual, yet ultimately an ideal, choice for my College of Charleston book circle this spring semester. The seven students – all seniors except for one junior – who read this ground-breaking...
5 books to make you more mindful and empathetic

5 books to make you more mindful and empathetic

Want to be more mindful or empathetic or both? Consider reading these 5 new books. For several Decembers now, my list of the year’s best business books is intentionally short. My hope is that you will receive something of value without feeling overwhelmed. For...
Want to increase your empathy? Go Platinum, not Gold

Want to increase your empathy? Go Platinum, not Gold

Three-and-a-half year old @MarceltheTherapyDog has heard me describe the Platinum Rule numerous times to many of my coachees.  As background, the Platinum Rule is all about treating others the way they want to be treated. By contrast the more established Golden Rule,...
Why you need to walk the talk and eat the dog food

Why you need to walk the talk and eat the dog food

Since February, I’ve been eating my own dog food.  In other words, I’m using the tools and following the advice I provide to my clients for a specific situation. While the experience has taken me out of my comfort zone, it’s worth it. I’m growing as a coach and...
How empathetic are you, really?

How empathetic are you, really?

When you follow the platinum rule, you make the effort to customize how you treat people in the manner they would most appreciate. That shows empathy. Read the full post, How empathetic are you, really?, published by on October 10, 2017.