Watch out! 3 ways to control your environment

Pay attention to your surroundings! If you want to change your behavior or influence others in your organization to change the way they work, you’ve got to view the environment as an active player. Our surroundings shape our behavior and our attitudes more than we’re...

“Plastics.” Brain benefits, present to future

Who knew how astute, powerful and prophetic the classic film line “Plastics” would become. In the 1967 film, The Graduate, a family friend says he has just one word for the recent college graduate Ben: “Plastics.” When Ben, played by Dustin Hoffman, asks “Exactly how...

Be kind to your brain; resolve to build habits

“Have compassion for yourself and your brain,” one of my neuroscientist professors frequently counsels. His advice is simultaneously soothing and inspiring. The brain is an amazing organ; however, it does have its limits—especially the prefrontal cortex, also known as...

3 tips for building new habits

Three years ago this week, I experienced Tiny Habits® for the first time with the psychologist Dr. BJ Fogg. Since then, more than 25,000 individuals around the world have joined me and signed up to participate in this breakthrough method for developing positive...