Can you find the trigger to prompt future actions?

What’s the power of the retro magnet in the picture? It’s a physical trigger to help you remember to take action in the future. Remembering what you want (or need) to do in the future is much more difficult than recalling what you did in the past, according to...

Why you now obey your devices more than your mother

How influential is your mother?   Your mother—like most wise individuals—may instruct you to eat more vegetables, get more sleep and exercise, reduce your stress level, and do countless other things, but… How often do you immediately follow her advice upon hearing it?...

Focus on inattention and inertia to initiate action

Our brains are hardwired for inattention and inertia. Once you accept that, it’s easier to understand why we resist change, such as the new procurement system, the new terminology for the business units, the new benefit call center, and just about anything else that’s...

Avoid making these 3 mistakes

Whether you’re trying to identify good New Year’s Resolutions or wanting to building habits, please avoid making these three common mistakes. Taking on the “should do’s” not the “want-to-do’s.” Attempting to climb Mt. Everest before you’ve considered going to the top...

3 good behavior lessons from Gustav

Back in 2012, when I first started studying behavior design in earnest and including it in my consulting and coaching practice, I didn’t realize the influence canines have contributed to the field. The first sign was the pre-reading for the behavior design boot camp,...