5 books to make you more mindful and empathetic

5 books to make you more mindful and empathetic

Want to be more mindful or empathetic or both? Consider reading these 5 new books. For several Decembers now, my list of the year’s best business books is intentionally short. My hope is that you will receive something of value without feeling overwhelmed. For...
How to be intentional and trigger good behavior

How to be intentional and trigger good behavior

Who needs another morning chore, especially when you’re already feeling rushed getting out the door and to the office?   But if you’re a parent with a child who’s hooked on Elf on the Shelf, you’re expected to find a new perch for the Elf each morning. That way, the...

Follow through to support dots, spans and paths

A behavior designer I’ve been working with was beating himself and his field up for not providing really good follow through for people. According to the behavior design field, helping someone “follow through” means you assist them in creating or finding structure to...

Bark up a new tree for behavior change

Do you think behavior change is hard? Many do. And if you feel you’re spending a lifetime looking for effective ways to change behavior either yours or others’, you’re lookin’ in all the wrong places. (Yes, you can hum along to Johnny Lee in his classic country song...