3 ways to be empathetic ─ and powerful

3 ways to be empathetic ─ and powerful

Don’t blame it on the youth. We adults – especially those in powerful positions ─ are guilty too. Even though we’re born with the ability to understand and share others’ emotions, we don’t always practice empathy.  Worse, some of us point fingers at others, especially...
5 ways a golden thread improves your focus and clarity

5 ways a golden thread improves your focus and clarity

Trying to tighten the linkage between business strategy and operations on either the organizational or individual leadership level? If so, don’t just talk “alignment.” Instead, emphasize the importance of knitting a “golden thread” throughout everything you do. The...

How to find value in bad role models

“If you can’t fix it, feature it.” This maxim came in handy when I was trying to role model good meeting behavior last week. By definition, respectable meeting behavior means showing up on time. And if you’re the meeting leader, you express your respect by being a few...

How to admit to a biased brain and overcome the backlash

Co-workers criticized me for talking about this topic, and then declined to work with me. Individuals – white and black – told me I was encouraging people to cop out. PBS chose not to air my comments for “America After Charleston.” (The show was a  conversation about...