5 actions to make the most of face-to-face conferences

5 actions to make the most of face-to-face conferences

Stop shoveling out more stuff. Instead, set aside time to dig into stuff and discuss. That’s the most optimal type of in-person meeting for peers who want to get together and experience new ah-ha moments.   Even though that advice from the New York University...
How to make your meetings please introverts

How to make your meetings please introverts

“If you’re not intentionally including individuals, you’re accidentally excluding them.”  — The NeuroLeadership Institute. That’s a great wake up call for those of us who convene meetings, form teams, and select participants for all types of activities. Let’s...
Why and how you need to help people pay attention

Why and how you need to help people pay attention

Pay bills. Pay respect. Pay attention. If you’re a responsible adult, you do these actions, often without prompting. Yet, even when you want to pay attention to your leaders, co-workers, and trainers and learn from them, you may fail.     Attention is necessary for...
How to toast my late mother, mentor, and dog

How to toast my late mother, mentor, and dog

Please join me in toasting the memories of my late mother, a mentor, and Gustav who’s featured in an important new book on animal transitions. All three taught me valuable lessons that you may benefit from as well. As background, over a seven-day stretch in August, I...