Why and how to avoid playing the blame game

Why and how to avoid playing the blame game

If you love to blame others rather than take responsibility for your own actions, please stop reading this post now. Don’t bother wasting your time on a topic that is irrelevant for you. On the other hand, if you notice yourself playing the blame game every now and...
How to respond to ambiguity with clarity

How to respond to ambiguity with clarity

“Communication. Understanding. Clarity.” – Character from Dave Egger’s novel The Circle explaining that communication should never be in doubt with all the technology available to us. What a pipe dream! Ambiguity hinders our ability to achieve clarity. Ambiguity in...
How to be a whiz at career reinvention

How to be a whiz at career reinvention

“You have to embrace new ideas and new technologies even when it’s painful.  The whiff of obsolescence can kill you,” observed Marilyn Moats Kennedy in an interview with Chicago Score for a case study several years ago. This past January ovarian cancer killed Marilyn...
Improve your meetings this year and crow with joy

Improve your meetings this year and crow with joy

How painful are the meetings you attend? Probably worse than you’d like to admit. If a pain detector could measure both the physical discomfort and social anguish you feel after your meetings, it could show scary outcomes with some unfortunate consequences. For...