by Liz Guthridge | Dec 20, 2017 | Blog
With resolutions, your good intentions fizzle out, as it’s too hard to turn your visions into daily actions. But habits are a different story. Read the full post, Don’t make resolutions, build habits instead, published by on December 19,...
by Liz Guthridge | Dec 18, 2017 | Blog
Look at these seven words and phrases: evidence-based, science-based, vulnerable, diversity, entitlement, transgender and fetus. What’s the association? Some of them could make a great focal word for 2018. For example, a leader who wants to be more vulnerable or a...
by Liz Guthridge | Dec 11, 2017 | Blog
If you get a bad taste in your mouth from misinformation, you shouldn’t drink from someone else’s font of knowledge. Read the full post, How to tell whether you’re being fooled by pseudoscience, published by on December 5,...
by Liz Guthridge | Dec 4, 2017 | Blog
“Be prepared” and “be change ready.” These two phrases are in frequent use this fall for dealing with Mother Nature and organizational transformations. One is relevant and the other is quaint. “Be prepared” is a valuable motto not just for the Boy Scouts, but...
by Liz Guthridge | Nov 27, 2017 | Blog
Interested in disrupting the status quo? These five books published in 2017 could serve as your guide. I didn’t intentionally choose to read these books for this theme, but that’s certainly their point of view. These five rose to the top of my 2017 reading list for...
by Liz Guthridge | Nov 20, 2017 | Blog
Even if you think you prefer to work alone, eat at your desk, and play video games by yourself, you, along with the rest of us, are biologically wired to feel a need to belong. And when you think you’re excluded, you feel pain. Read the full post, Why social...