How to make a positive impact on peers with HAPAAA

How to make a positive impact on peers with HAPAAA

“People like me” are often those we trust the most, especially around work issues. Peers share similar experiences and can relate to what we’re doing. And they also often have different perspectives, based on their backgrounds, their skills, and other events that have...
Why you need conversations to help you learn

Why you need conversations to help you learn

My colleagues in Charleston where I now live often ask me to join them at PechaKucha, DISRUPTHR, and similar style of events. They also suggest I speak at them too. Each time, I respectfully decline, explaining that I’m so over this style, especially since it’s the...
How to role model humility in the smart machine age

How to role model humility in the smart machine age

Gardening is a better metaphor than chess for effective leadership in today’s environment, according to General Stanley McChrystal, the retired four-star U.S. Army General. In his book Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World, General McChrystal...
How to weave a web to improve your agility

How to weave a web to improve your agility

Human connections with people who are different from you can prompt you to start thinking differently. How do you make those connections to improve your thinking and working agility? Check out this post, How to weave a web to improve your agility, published by...