Want to communicate effectively and efficiently, especially if you’re short on time, staff and other resources?
The LEAN COMMUNICATOR® free monthly eNewsletter was designed for leaders, individual contributors, coaches and communicators who are striving to do more with less.
You get easy-to-use communication tips, tools, and techniques you can apply immediately. You’ll add more value with less resources and get great results.
Gather Feedback on the Whole Enchilada (July 2010)
- Hot Topic: Ride the Technology Wave To Be a Better Leader
- Bonus Resources: Can You Read My Code? and What’s Your Energy Audit Score?
- Featured Article: Gather Feedback on the Whole Enchilada
Mimic Lean Startups to Improve Communications (June 2010)
- Don’t Quibble Over These Lean Quips
- Bonus Resources: Avoid Weapons of Mass Distraction; Try These Concrete Tips for Better Critical Conversations; and Take Five to Help THE LEAN COMMUNICATOR (Survey)
- Featured Article: Mimic Lean Startups To Improve Communications
Collaborate To Get On the Right Path(May 2010)
- Hot Topic: Adopt Checklist Chic: A Versatile Accessory
- Bonus Resources: Be healthier and more productive at work; Fix what you break and Featured Tool: The LEAN Communicator’s Candidate Criteria Grid
- Collaborate to Get On the Right Path
Managing the Gaps Between Managers and Communications Pros (April 2010)
- Hot Topic: Switch for Behavioral Change
- Bonus Resources: Dedicate yourself to the Four “D”s and streamline your work; Be aware that workers crave stability and Featured Tool: Manager Toolkit for Leading Employees in Turbulent Times
- Featured Article: Managing the Gap Between Managers and Communication Pros
Finding Good Stories the LEAN Way (March 2010)
- Hot Topic: Answering and Asking Questions Precisely
- Bonus Resources: Get More Help Telling Stories; Try Do-It-Yourself Study and Featured Tool: Questions for Interviewing Leaders About Communications
- Feature Article: Finding Good Stories the LEAN Way
Deal With the Devil and Other Meeting Details (February 2010)
- Hot Topic: Drive for Autonomy, Mastery and Power
- Bonus Resources: Discover the Employee Engagement Network; Write a 6 Word Valentine and Featured Tool: Meeting Feedback Form
- Featured Article: Deal With the Devil and Other Meeting Details
How Easy Are You? (January 2010)
- Hot Topic: Flying High with a Lean Leader
- Bonus Resources: Motivate by Helping People Make Progress; Feed, Don’t Starve, Your Brain; and Featured Tool: Speak in Headlines
- Featured Article: How Easy Are You?
Using Systems Thinking in Communications (December 2009)
- Hot Topic: Skim the 10 top 2009 business books for LEAN Communicators
- Bonus Resources: Want to comment on a website? and Looking for a document?
- Feature Article: Using systems thinking in communications
Design Your Meetings, Don’t Just Plan Them (November 2009)
- Hot Topic: Does Your Leadership Communications Measure Up?
- Bonus Resources: Learn How Smart Leaders Talk About Time, Wordle; Design Your Meetings Don’t Just Plan Them
- Feature Article: Design Your Meetings Don’t Just Plan Them
Making the Case for Meetings (October 2009)
- Hot Topic : Being Social…in Person
- Bonus Resources: Where’s Your Lean? and You Say Tomato, I Say Pomodoro
- Featured Article: Making the Case for Meetings