Be kind to your brain; resolve to build habits

“Have compassion for yourself and your brain,” one of my neuroscientist professors frequently counsels. His advice is simultaneously soothing and inspiring. The brain is an amazing organ; however, it does have its limits—especially the prefrontal cortex, also known as...

3 tips for building new habits

Three years ago this week, I experienced Tiny Habits® for the first time with the psychologist Dr. BJ Fogg. Since then, more than 25,000 individuals around the world have joined me and signed up to participate in this breakthrough method for developing positive...

Why you don’t want to be #1

Be careful of what you work toward…or at least how you describe your organization’s achievements. Being number #1 could be more of a curse than a blessing in today’s VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world. When you’re number #1, you run the risk of...