How to embrace yourself and find out what R-E-S-P-E-C-T means to you
Are you a people pleaser? What about an "over"-- as in one who "overworks," "overachieves," "overthinks," "overcommits" "overaccommodates," etc? And/or do you frequently compare yourself to others in social media and/or the real world? If so, you could be falling into...
25 actions that can help you increase psychological safety
Understanding the concept of psychological safety is easy compared with making your team members – as well as yourself – feel psychologically safe. That’s because psychological safety is such a personal sensation. It’s related to your experiences, past and present, as...
Who do you trust to tell you about innovations? Scientists or “people like me”?
Feeling whiplashed about the state of the world and maybe your fellow human beings too? You’re not alone. Check out the 2024 Edelman Trust Barometer. This year’s global report is subtitled “Innovation in Peril.” Trust, innovation, and politics are racing toward each...
Want to improve? Rewire your brain’s neural pathways
Your brain is much more plastic than you might think. And when you adopt the mindset that you and your brain can take charge of its neuroplasticity, that is its natural ability to rewire itself, you can make some great personal improvements and advancements. For...
How your heart can tell you if you’re psychologically safe
“Psych safety — is it really a thing?” a leader recently asked me. Yes, it is. We’ve got decades of research. Plus, you can now measure psych safety for yourself by wearing a smartwatch or other similar device that’s linked to a special app on your smart phone....
How recalibrating can be good for your mind, body, and soul
"Recalibrate" is my focus word/concept for 2024. It succinctly captures my desire to re-evaluate my priorities so I can live my best life for my mind, body, and soul. My inspiration came from the NeuroLeadership Institute's Fall 2023 Summit; the theme was...
5 top business books to inspire you to adjust how you work
My 5 top business books for 2023 reflect these three trends: Leadership is becoming more science based, thanks to more research and available data. Authors—in the case of these five books all teams of two except for one solo writer—tend to share frameworks, exercises,...
Want to see emotional intelligence at work? Students can lead the way
Leaders, if you want employees who will adapt to disruption, not cause adverse disruption, you've got to start upskilling your workforce more quickly in soft skills, especially emotional intelligence. Right now we have too many adult workers creating chaos. Many of...
Want to improve how team members act? Adjust your communication these 5 ways
How’s the “last mile” for the messages you deliver? In other words, are you asking team members to act clearly, reliably, and respectfully so they can follow through promptly and accurately? Or is it more likely your asks and messages are getting stuck along the way,...