Understanding the power of peer-to-peer practices

peer to peer graphicThanks for your interest in the survey results about peer-to-peer practices.

Here’s the summary of the survey results:


These results show the power of peer-to-peer practices. You can make these practices even more powerful by being FEARLESS.


  1. Frame peer practices as a foundational way to do work
  2. Endorse the value: fast way to get practical ideas in a low-risk setting
  3. Acknowledge employees who use peer practices
  4. Remove barriers to make it easy for peers to help one another
  5. Learn what works best in your organization and share the findings
  6. Educate people on how to ask their peers and use peer-to-peer practices well
  7. Spotlight results, including featuring success stories
  8. Support managers to embrace peer practices

If you have any questions or want more information, e-mail me