7 lessons learned after living way too long in “FU” hell

7 lessons learned after living way too long in “FU” hell

“FU!!!” is the short version I mutter under my breath. “Will you please FU?” is the long version. Then there’s the “What do you mean, no FU yet again?” “FU” stands for “follow up.” It’s in short supply these days especially with many of the financial institutions and...

Want to grow as a leader? Use new experiences to turn up the heat

Want to grow as a leader? Use new experiences to turn up the heat

Experiencing any heat lately? Not from the weather but from practices designed to help you become more flexible, wiser and better equipped to handle a range of complex, uncertain and ambiguous situations. By intentionally taking steps to fire yourself up through...

How your high touch connections help you be a better human

How your high touch connections help you be a better human

What do Intentional Change Theory (ICT) and “connective labor” have in common with each other? At first glance, nothing. However, after recently reading two 2024 books on these topics, I realized both address the value of strong, mutual human relationships built on...

How being intentional can improve the way you live and work

How being intentional can improve the way you live and work

“Intentional” is my focus word/concept for 2025 for two reasons. First, being intentional addresses my need to act more deliberately. Second, intentionality aligns directionally with my last four annual words: “recalibrate;” “pause;” “nuance;” and “explicit.” If you...

How you can adjust your reading habits while still reaping big benefits

How you can adjust your reading habits while still reaping big benefits

My reading habits changed this past year, which sent off silent alarms when preparing to write this annual blog. What books can I showcase?!?!?! I asked myself. Generally, this year-end blog features my favorite business books published in the current year. I’ve not...