7 lessons learned after living way too long in “FU” hell
“FU!!!” is the short version I mutter under my breath. “Will you please FU?” is the long version. Then there’s the “What do you mean, no FU yet again?” “FU” stands for “follow up.” It’s in short supply these days especially with many of the financial institutions and...
Want to adapt to the “Whitewater World of Work”? Use these 5 Tomorrowmind skills
Picture a steamship gliding on the ocean. Once you fire up the engines, it’s full speed ahead. This metaphor describes what work was like for adult men in industrialized nations the first half of the 20th century, as envisioned by the futurist and leader of the Xerox...
Want to improve the way you live and work? Stop saying “I ought to …”
"Ought" is a word that we need to banish from our vocabulary. (It's a five-letter word that acts as an offensive "four-letter word.") Why? The word "ought" puts you in compromising positions. When you say or think, "I ought to ........" you're referring to your...
Dislike uncertainty? You can’t fix it but you can take 3 actions to cope
Want to experience “the joy of certainty”? If you listen or watch CNN, you’ll often hear this question in an ad for California Psychics. A soothing voice reassures you that psychics will be able to help you “clear away the cloud of doubt.” The message comes across as...
Got grievances? If so, the 2025 Edelman Trust Index results have you covered
Got grievances? Get in line and join the crowd. Welcome to the grievance culture where billionaires as well as common folk are complaining and sometimes even protesting about real and imagined wrongs, including unfair treatment. One billionaire, Meta CEO Mark...
Want to grow as a leader? Use new experiences to turn up the heat
Experiencing any heat lately? Not from the weather but from practices designed to help you become more flexible, wiser and better equipped to handle a range of complex, uncertain and ambiguous situations. By intentionally taking steps to fire yourself up through...
How your high touch connections help you be a better human
What do Intentional Change Theory (ICT) and “connective labor” have in common with each other? At first glance, nothing. However, after recently reading two 2024 books on these topics, I realized both address the value of strong, mutual human relationships built on...
How being intentional can improve the way you live and work
“Intentional” is my focus word/concept for 2025 for two reasons. First, being intentional addresses my need to act more deliberately. Second, intentionality aligns directionally with my last four annual words: “recalibrate;” “pause;” “nuance;” and “explicit.” If you...
How you can adjust your reading habits while still reaping big benefits
My reading habits changed this past year, which sent off silent alarms when preparing to write this annual blog. What books can I showcase?!?!?! I asked myself. Generally, this year-end blog features my favorite business books published in the current year. I’ve not...