10 ways to work with senior leaders with a fixed mindset

by | Aug 30, 2024 | Blog | 0 comments

Are you experiencing this too? Are you finding yourself having to work with senior leaders who are stuck, bogged down in details, sometimes more concerned about proving themselves “right” than improving the situation, and similar types of difficult behaviors?

Well, it’s easy for anyone — even those who are prone to have a growth mindset — to get caught up in muck when living in fear or uncertainty, which is our world today.

Rather than stay frustrated, try some or all of these 10 tips to deal with individuals who are demonstrating a fixed mindset so you can work better together. The tips came from recent coaching experiences. Some of my clients were surprised to find themselves in this situation. After all, aren’t all leaders supposed to have a growth mindset? Not always due to our work lives these days.

My coaching clients and I talked through ideas that they experimented with and adapted. I provided the coping suggestions. And here’s the article, 10 ways to work with senior leaders with a fixed mindset for the Forbes Coaches Council, published online on August 23, 2024.

And if you have other tips that work well for you, please share!


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