Adopt these 3 powerful features of brain-friendly meetings

Adopt these 3 powerful features of brain-friendly meetings

Brain-friendly meetings are invigorating for participants, presenters and facilitators alike. Don’t take my word for it. Read these online survey write-in comments from participants after their day-long, brain-friendly BIZcamp at the Charleston Digital Corridor, which...

How to recognize others in kind, classy, and brain-friendly ways

How to recognize others in kind, classy, and brain-friendly ways

Decorative sign for sale spotted in the window of Noddy Charleston, gift shop of southern-made goods: “Honestly, F*** you. The new thank-you. You’re welcome.” No thank-you. Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer to keep things kind, classy, and brain-friendly, especially...

How to be a whiz at career reinvention

How to be a whiz at career reinvention

“You have to embrace new ideas and new technologies even when it’s painful.  The whiff of obsolescence can kill you,” observed Marilyn Moats Kennedy in an interview with Chicago Score for a case study several years ago. This past January ovarian cancer killed Marilyn...

Improve your meetings this year and crow with joy

Improve your meetings this year and crow with joy

How painful are the meetings you attend? Probably worse than you’d like to admit. If a pain detector could measure both the physical discomfort and social anguish you feel after your meetings, it could show scary outcomes with some unfortunate consequences. For...

Readers offer 7 ways to improve bad writing

Readers offer 7 ways to improve bad writing

If you read for work, it’s likely you encounter bad writing. Just think about all the email messages, memos, documents and other business writing that you read during the course of a day. Rather than read at a steady pace, you probably hit many speed bumps along the...

3 ways to focus on employees to win back trust

3 ways to focus on employees to win back trust

What are you doing as an organization to build trust? If you’re not focusing  on your employees, reconsider. Why? Trust in U.S. institutions – as well as the rest of the Western world -- has plummeted over the past 12 months, as tracked by the 2017 Edelman...

How to start solving our $396 billion bad writing problem

How to start solving our $396 billion bad writing problem

What will it take for business to adopt plain language, easy-to-read documents, and lean communications®? They address a business problem right in front of our faces. Even though this problem hurts our performance by sucking our time, draining our energy, and making...

Why and how to be more vulnerable

Why and how to be more vulnerable

Can you try to be more vulnerable? Being vulnerable may be the positive self-disrupting move you need to become a better version of yourself. After all, in our VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world, what got you here won’t get you there. Why do you...

When and how to trust experts over scientific research

When and how to trust experts over scientific research

What do teeth flossing, meeting agendas, and meeting ground rules have in common?  And why should you care about them? They’re examples of “keystone” habits, as explained by author Charles Duhhig in his best seller, The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and...